Guild details

Discord ID: 751374707067977769
Owner intromatt#0000 (421739622159351808)
Created At Sept. 4, 2020, 9:34 a.m.
Users 791
VIP False
Automod Enabled No
AutoTriggers Enabled No
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled No
DeHoister Enabled Yes
Invite code

Server rules

            0. **Follow Discord ToS.** This means you __must__ be 13 or older.
1. **Be respectful.** This means no personal attacks, no racism, xenophobia, sexism or similar. Claiming to call it a joke is *not* a valid defense - jokes are only funny if all parties enjoy it. 
2. **Keep discussion on topic.** This one is fairly self-explanatory. The #general chat is fairly open, but please keep it on-track in the other channels. This is at the discretion of moderators.
3. **Keep it safe for work.** Hentai is cool and all, but we don't need to see it on an nspire
4. **Avoid spamming or posting your own invite links.** Everyone wants their server to grow, but this isn't the place for advertising. We may in the future create a channel for it, but please don't hound the admins!
5. **Ping @ADMIN** if required. We've got the tools to deal with issues as they come up.
6. **Don't ask for extra roles** outside of the ones related to the calculator brand you use. 
7. **Invites should go to #rules-and-roles**.

Actions recorded on this server

No actions were recorded on this guild... Yet! (Or you don't have access to any of them... Are you logged in ?)