Warn #113895
On bearcartelwhitelist6870
Reason: Automatic action from automod. Warning user because score **3.487** >= 2.0
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Automod logs:
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > MESSAGE : **Teen Porn and Onlyfan Leaks here** :peach: :pizza: https://discord.gg/hotteens @everyone (on #🇫🇷・glorieux・memes・de・france)
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.15), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > Author is offline (probably invisible)
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.65 (+0.50), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > Author account joined less than a day ago
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (-0.10), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > Author account have a role in the server
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > Multiplicator calculation done
[s=+1.00 (+1.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+1.55 (+1.55)] > Message contains an ATeveryone that discord did not register as a ping (failed attempt)
[s=+1.00 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+1.55 (+0.00)] > Checking invite code : hotteens
[s=+1.00 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+1.55 (+0.00)] > >> Detected invite code for untrusted server but known enough not to act on it (approx. members count: 6909): hotteens (server : Teen Egirls +18 🍑🍒 - 877939701871435816)
[s=+2.25 (+1.25), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+1.94)] > Message was repeated by the author 5 times
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > Running AutoTrigger checks
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Bad Strings with result False
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Libra Discord Bots with result False
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Sex Dating Discord Bots with result False
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Instant Essay Discord Bots with result False
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Sex Bots with result False
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Nudes Selling Discord Bots with result False
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > Score calculation done
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > Total for message is 3.487, applying actions if any
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > Deleting message because score **3.487** >= 1.5
[s=+2.25 (+0.00), m=+1.55 (+0.00), t=+3.49 (+0.00)] > Warning user because score **3.487** >= 2.0